Underwater hockey is an activity which requires general physical fitness and good health.
For that reason, anyone with a history of:
Will be required to seek medical advice on their suitability to participate in the sport from a specialist Medical Referee.
Safeguarding of the vulnerable requires that individuals with learning difficulties or those who show signs of a lack of capacity, which could be as a result of injury/trauma to the head/brain, sufficient to produce problems in understanding and remembering the theory and techniques of snorkelling may be prohibited from participating for their own safety.
Pregnancy - Due to gas levels with breath-holding on a regular basis, and the risk of injury means even in the first trimester there is a risk to foetal development or miscarriage, so the guidance is to refrain if found to be pregnant.
The BOA’s Welfare Officer, in conjunction with the specialist Medical Referee, reserves the right to insist that the applicant undertakes a full medical examination by a medical practitioner, if anything about the applicant's medical history declared on this form gives them cause for concern. They do this with your safety in mind.
Persons wishing to take up underwater hockey, with a BOA club, must complete the following medical declaration.
If the applicant is under 18 years of age, the declaration must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian, who is aware of the person's health history.
Last updated: 4th July 2023