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Leaflets, Posters & graphics

These logos are downloadable for BOA members to use.

If you need them in a different format please contact us.

Right click on logo, then select 'Save Target as...' to download the image.

BOA Logo - PNG Format

BOA Logo - with url

PNG Format

Team GB Underwater Hockey


Underwater Hockey Posters

These posters are downloadable for BOA members to use.

Title Jpeg format PDF format
Aerobic Exercise UWH (Octopush) Poster 1 Underwater Hockey Poster 1
Whatever the Weather UWH (Octopush) Poster 2 Underwater Hockey Poster 2
The Reason
Sussex UWH Poster UWH (Octopush) Poster 3 Underwater Hockey Poster 3
Ipswich Poster UWH (Octopush) Poster 4 Underwater Hockey Poster 4

To download - will depend on which browser you use. On some browsers right click on the picture you want and select 'Save Target as'.

If you do not see this option click on the picture you want first, to view the larger image, then right-click and select 'Save picture as'. If you have a design you would like to suggest, or for any other enquiry please contact Sport Development.

Leaflets & Handouts

Labels should be made locally to provide details of your club contacts.

Underwater Hockey (Octopush) -  Leaflets

These are Bi-fold leaflets (i.e. A4 paper folded to letter size - for display cabinets) FOC for members, please order via the BOA Shop.

BOA Banner

The BOA has 2 Pull Up Roller Banners that can be borrowed.

Bespoke banners can be ordered to promote your own club. Please contact the SDO for more information.

Updated by Laura Moss on 30/08/24