The Manchester Octopush Tournament
Every year since 2003 Xarifa UWH has hosted the MOT
(Manchester Octopush Tournament)
This normally takes place in the training pool (basement) of the Manchester Aquatics Centre, and is followed by food (usually a curry buffet) and drinks, at a local venue, during which the winning trophies are awarded.
A big thank-you to all the referees, timekeepers and teams that have made this event a great success every year.
Please see the MOT Results page for past event details.
The pool has been provisionally booked the 2nd Saturday in March for the next few years.
Please see the events section of the main BOA website for further details and to register your team. Please register your players asap - you can change them right up to the deadline!!!
Please email Phil Thompson with any queries.
If you wish to enter a team,
please transfer £50 deposit by BACS, to:
Name Xarifa UWH Club
Sort code: 010039
Account number: 60737662
See you there, Xarifa UWH