The Manchester Octopush Tournament 2021 

Annually since 2003 Xarifa UWH has hosted the MOT
(Manchester Octopush Tournament)

The 2019 MOT will be held in the training pool (basement) of the Manchester Aquatics Centre, and will be followed by food (Indian curry buffet - it's now a tradition!) and drinks, during which the winning trophies are awarded.

The event will take Place on Saturday (date TBA) 2021, costs are typically £135 per team (to be confirmed nearer the time).  If your team can provide a qualified Referee for the games in which you are not playing they will receive a £50 discount. For those wanting to join us for food, a fee of £12 per person will be charged.

The format can change, but is likely to be two seperate divisions, Upper and Lower, utlising both pools.  

For those Teams who intend to make the most of the evening, there is ample accomodation in the local area, search the web for "accommodation Hyde Cheshire"

The presentation and curry buffett will he held at the Viceroy (formerly Bangla City) Indian Restaurant from 20:30

In line with most events we do not intend to have a captains meeting, please see the General Arrangements and Rules

If you wish to enter a team, please transfer £50 deposit by BACS, to:

Name Xarifa UWH Club
Sort code:  010039
Account number:  60737662

Please add the reference MOT2019<your team name> and  email XUWHtreasurer with confirmation of the payment
Sorry but not cheques.
Slots will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so don't delay

See you there, Xarifa UWH